We're into Summer and it's time for the second check in on the Seriously Series Challenge. Above are some of this quarter's reads. Below are my status bars for each section.
Series Started Before 2014
Series = 8/19
Total Books = 14/32
Series Started In 2014
Series = 0/2
Total Books = 1/7
Series Re-Reads In 2014
Series = 0/1
Total Books = 3/5
I'm almost at 41% of the way through the total number of books on my list, so I've fallen a little behind here at the halfway mark! I'm behind by 4, so the question is, do I adjust the list or just try to read harder, on the list, rather than you know, other books not on the list! For now I think I'll keep it as is and see what I can do in the third quarter.
How is everyone else doing?
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