It's time for the Spring Into Horror Read-a-thon hosted by The True Book Addict on Castle Macabre! I'm going to post all of my updates here in this post.
Not setting one this time.
If I add up all the pieces and parts, I read: 2.98 books, or almost 3 darn it! Still, that's good for me in a week, although 1 1/2 of those were audio books! Total pages if I estimate on the audios too was 948 overall, or 425 real pages and 523 audio pages. Once again I had fun, and I'm totally in for the next one! Thanks to Michelle@The True Book Addict for hosting on her Castle Macabre blog! And to Erin at Oh, for the Hook of a Book for all of her hard work on the challenges! And also to anyone else I forgot or didn't know about! :D
Hammered (Iron Druid #3) by Kevin Hearne (Audiobook) Notes: Super fun action packed fantasy series with mythology from all over packed in, and Oberon, who loves sausages! ;) Start Day 4: 00:00:00 EOD4: 00:43:40 EOD5: 04:16:42 EOD7: I got about halfway done, we'll call it 50%. or 168 pages | |
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by Seth Grahame-Smith Notes:This is my official scary book for the read-a-thon, though I may start another one if I have time. I chose this one because I want to be ready for the movie! And because all the mash-ups of things are just odd! Start - Day 1: page 1 EOD1: page 18 EOD2: page 27 EOD3: page 60 EOD5: page 68 EOD7: page 126 38% done | |
Cattitude by Edie Ramer (Kindle) Notes: Needed something light and easy to follow on the Kindle App so I can sneak some pages in during the day at work! ;) Start - Day 1: 0% EOD1: 6% EOD2: 16% EOD3: 27% EOD4: 40% EOD5: 65% EOD7: 90% 247 pages | |
The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper (Audiobook) Notes: I'm really loving Molly Harper, she's a lot of fun! Start Day 1: 00:00:00 EOD1: 1:12:30 EOD2: 3:44:19 EOD3: 8:04:08 - finished! Amazon says 355 pages | |
Catalyst by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Anne Scarborough Notes:I'm going to start by finishing this one off, since I'm so close! Start - Day 1: page 204 EOD1: page 256 - finished! 52 pages |