I finally finished it! Am I the last person to have not read this yet? Maybe. Okay, the last one of my immediate friends who are actually interested in it, but probably not the last one. I'm not going to say much spoilerish on it, just in case, because there are a lot of happenings in this one that are just one shock after another it seems. Lots of action, much different to me than the other 6 books because they aren't going to school like normal. Many revelations, that while answered a lot of questions, at the same time made me want to go back and read the others to find some clues I had missed.
I'm sorry that it's done, but I really feel like every book in the series was excellent, and there aren't many series, even by my other favorite authors that I can say that about.
I haven't decided how interested I am in
Beedle the Bard yet. I just don't know that it could live up to the level of excitement that I want now after this last book. I'm sure I'll pick it up eventually though, as a good supplement to the series.
J. K. Rowling's Official Website for more information
I read it soon after it came out