My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I actually read ahead quite a bit in the series to read this for the Beach Party Read-a-thon of the #COYER Challenge but it is not really necessary for the story to have read more than the first couple of books. There are side characters I hadn't met before, but their backstory is not part of this, so it didn't seem to me like there were many spoilers if you read this out of sequence.
What does a dragon do for a relaxing vacation? Search for treasure of course! This is a fast and fun addition to the Elder Races world in which we get to see Pia skillfully manipulate Dragos in the direction she wants to go (for his own good), and get to enjoy the antics of a magical baby discovering his powers, you know, because a human baby isn't enough of a challenge all on his own!
If you want a quick and eventful jaunt to Bermuda, try this on for size! Dragos is such a fun alpha male character who is so easily steered by Pia, and pretty predictable in his alphaness, but that's what makes him such a good read! When you're the top of the food chain, your challenges are a little different than everyone else's!
#COYER Scavenget Hunt #37 - Read a book with water/or the ocean on the cover.
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