The Book Monsters are holding a Monster Review-a-thon now that Bout of Books 8.0 is done to help us catch up on all those reviews! I can't boast of too many books finished during Bout of Books, but I thought joining in and stretching my reviewing muscles would be a great exercise for me.
My goal will be to write a review a day during the Review-a-thon:
* Mr. Real - Carolyn Crane
* Dragon Bound - Thea Harrison
* The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie - Alan Bradley
* Indexing - Kindle Serial on 8/12 parts, but I think I can write a non-spoilery type review.
Wish me luck! If you'd like to join us, just click on the graphic above.
8/26 - Generated list of reviews for one per day goal. Did not actually write one today, but maybe I can make it up if I can stay on track the rest of the week.
8/27 - Daily Goal met! Wrote review for Blog Events to post on Thursday 8/29.
8/28 - Prepped 5 review posts with picture and synopsis so they are ready for just the reviewing.
8/29 - Wrote up review for A Short History of Nearly Everything for posting on 9/2. So I'm way behind, but I'm still feeling productive.
8/30-8/31 - These turned into Finish Season 2 of Doctor Who and upgrade my computer days, so finally I wrote something in the wee hours of 9/1 (which still is 8/31 to me!)
9/1 - I did NOTHING today past Agent to the Stars early this morning. So overall I only managed not quite half of my goal, lesson learned. but that's okay, I'm set up to do a few more, so I'm pleased with my meager progress!
Thanks to The Book Monsters for hosting! I think maybe I need to take September off from 'A-Thoning of anything, I'm kind of burnt out! LOL!
Love your goal! One review a day sounds very do-able. Thanks for joining us and good luck on keeping pace with your reviews. :)