Hosted by The Space Between

Monday, June 29, 2015

COYER - Red, White, & Blue Read-a-thon - July 4 - 10, 2015


The Red, White, & Blue Read-a-thon is the first of 5 that are happening during COYER (Clean Out Your E-Reader) this Summer. We'll be reading books with Red, White, or Blue on the cover, as words or colors. For more details, check out the Red, White, & Blue Read-a-thon page!  I've picked out some suitably Red, White, & Blue titles/covers below that I'll be working on.



July 4: 34:37min SFoB, 54 pages TPW
July 5: 78 pages TPW
July 6: 116 pages TPW
July 7: 28 pages TPW
July 8: 51 pages TPW, 1 hour 30 min SFoB
July 9: 1 hour 16 min SFoB
July 10: 30 min SFoB



Sunday, June 28, 2015

Giveaway: The Hunted Series by Amanda Shofner

The Hunted Series by Amanda Shofner

The Hunted is a riveting world in which two opposing factions of Gifted, the Memory-bringers and the Illusionists, must overcome their fear of each other and work together against their common enemy: The Northern Alliance Betterment Society. Doesn't that name just bring chills? Betterment Society? So many real world horrors have been perpetrated in order to "better" things according to skewed versions of perfection. True to form, The Society will stop at nothing until they realize their goal, the neutralization of all Gifted. Of course just killing a Gifted isn't enough, the Society must experiment in order to find a way to truly eliminate the biological elements that make someone Gifted.

I am drawn in to a book by the characters.  You can have the most interesting setting ever, but if I'm not invested in the characters, I couldn't care less.  Fully realized characters are one of the strengths of this series, I cared about what happened to all of them. I hurt with them, was afraid with them, was happy for them, and sometimes wanted to slap some of them (Janey) for being so stubborn and impatient, but that's who she was.  For me that's what makes a story I won't forget, characters who are true individuals, with realistic emotions, strengths and weaknesses.  Add to that a bit of Sci/Fi-Fantasy, a little romance, and I'm in!  You get all that here.

Synopsis from Amazon

The Northern Alliance Betterment Society rose up to declare war on the Gifted and erase them from existence. The deep division between the Gifted—the illusionists and memory-bringers—made the war successful. Now the Gifted are being hunted and eliminated, but there remain a few who choose to fight back and reclaim their lives.


One false move—or trusting the wrong person—can turn the Gifted into the hunted.

Sam Benson doesn’t know where she is or, more importantly, who she is. With her memories gone, she must piece together the details of her life—and figure out who to trust—before they take it from her.


When Michael gave up his Gift, he was told it'd be forever. In the middle of recruiting for the new Gifted army, his Gift comes back. Unexpectedly.

But rather than celebrating the impossible, Michael’s carefully laid plans are about to come to naught... unless he can find a way to survive and make it right.


Janey Jones is driven by one purpose. Will Brown has seen what blind ambition can do.

When Will and Janey are thrown together, they’re forced to put aside their differences for a greater purpose: find a way to stay alive—and salvage the mission to cut the Hunters down, once and for all.


She’s about to learn life isn’t like her controlled experiments.

Edie Brown's well-ordered scientist’s life unravels when her best friend Marcus proposes a different kind of experiment—one that puts her heart at risk.

The Hunted series will be available as a bundle starting July 1st!  I'll be giving away 2 US Kindle bundles, and as many single US Kindle parts of the series as I'm in the mood for! Just tell me in your entry whether you want the bundle, or a single part of the series, and also the e-mail address you want it sent to if you win.  This contest will be open through Sunday July 12th.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

COYER Scavenger Hunt June 20 - September 4, 2015

The COYER (Clean Out Your E-Reader) Scavenger hunt is under way! I am joining in the challenge a little late, but there is plenty of time left! This event run from June 20th - Sept 4th and sounds like a whole lot of fun! There 5 summer read-a-thons scheduled, along with a reading scavenger hunt, twitter parties, a facebook group and prizes to win, so come on and join the fun!

For this event we can use any book we obtained legally. That would be Kindle Freebies, ARCs, Netgalley & Edelwiess books, Audiobooks, Purchased books (any $ amount) and Physical Books. Because of the Scavenger Hunt you are not allowed to read Library books, Kindle Unlimited or Borrowed books. (This is for my own use, but also helpful if you're wondering what to use, I asked just to be sure!)

Details, Signup, and Schedule

Scavenger Hunt List

Currently Reading: 

Reviews I've visited:

Crimson Bound by Rosamund Hodge - reviewed by Book Briefs
Heir to the Jedi by Kevin Hearne - reviewed by Book Haven 
Cat Daddy by Jackson Galaxy - reviewed by Squiggles Reviews
Sword Art Online #2: Aincrad by Reki Kawahara - reviewed by Fiction State of Mind
A Hidden Fire by Elizabeth Hunter - reviewed by Trips Down Imagination Road
Horde (Razorland #3) by Ann Aguirre - reviewed by Kristen @ The Book Monsters

Books Finished:

Finished 6/30/15
SH #7
66 pages

Finished 7/1/15
SH #44
Audio/93 pages

Finished 7/3/15
SH #6
Audio/233 pages

Finished 7/8/15 RWB
SH #1
327 pages

Finished 7/13/15
SH #29
216 pages (started at 84)

Finished 7/14/15
SH #2
6 hrs 7 min

Finished 7/19/15 BP
SH #37
95 Pages

Finished 7/24/15
Review to Come
SH# 78
12:32/363 pages

Finished 7/31/15
SH #39
410 pages

Finished 8/6/15
371 pages
Finished 8/13/14
Review to come
SH #21
11:58/522 pages
Finished 8/16/15
SH #58
94 pages
Finished 8/18/15
SH #38
300 pages
Finished 8/21/15
SH #23
8:20/155 pages
Finished 8/23/15
SH #5
346 pages
Finished 9/2/15
SH #55
204 pages

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Inn Boonsboro Trilogy by Nora Roberts

The Next Always

The historic hotel in Boonsboro has endured war and peace, changing hands, even rumored hauntings. Now it’s getting a major facelift from the Montgomery brothers and their eccentric mother. Beckett is the architect of the family, and his social life consists mostly of talking shop over pizza and beer. But there’s another project he’s got his eye on: the girl he’s been waiting to kiss since he was fifteen.

After losing her husband and returning to her hometown, Clare Brewster soon settles into her life as the mother of three young sons while running the town’s bookstore. Busy, with little time for romance, Clare is drawn across the street by Beckett’s transformation of the old inn, wanting to take a closer look . . . at the building and the man behind it.

With the grand opening inching closer, Beckett’s happy to give Clare a private tour - one room at a time. It’s no first date, but these stolen moments are the beginning of something new - and open the door to the extraordinary adventure of what comes next . . .

I adore this trilogy. I will admit that I didn't think I'd be a Nora Roberts fan. I picked up The Next Always when it was on sale on Audible because it mentioned a haunting. I didn't expect to fall in love, with the people or the place, but I did. I want the Montgomery boys to be my brothers, and Avery, Clare and Hope to be my friends. I want to hang out and have pizza at Vesta and celebrate holidays with the whole family. I want a hug from Willy B and to catch a glimpse of Elizabeth. These were pure comfort reading for me once I got into them, and will go down in my list of favorites. The description of the places and the characterization of the people make it all seem so real that it makes me want to jump in my truck and go there, to be part of it all, to get enveloped in that world. I can smell Avery's marinara sauce and hear the brothers hammering away on their latest project. I didn't expect to get sucked in, it's not my usual thing, but I did, and I'm so grateful for it. :)

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