So I've joined a number of reading challenges this year, and per the norm I'm no where near finished with them. With this in mind, as we close in on the end of the year, I've decided to throw myself a reading challenge in which I gather all of those books together into a list, count the pages and prioritize them into what's realistic to finish and what isn't, hence the "getting real" of the title. Realistically I will probably only read between 30-50 pages a day between now and the end of the year, because it's busy, and I'm trying to be realistic and relieve the pressure of meeting the challenge goals.
27 days x 30 pages per day is 810, x 50 pages is 1,350 pages. This is a sobering thought because that is so much less than the books I have left to read. I need to focus on what I can realistically finish, and I don't want to feel like I'm pressured with all the other tasks of the season looming. For me reading is my enjoyment and relaxation, so taking that activity on as a challenge at the beginning of the year is fun and exciting, at the end of the year, not so much, and it turns into a big old albatross of unfinished-ness around my neck!
Right away this tells me I need to let some reads go, so goodbye Black Dagger Brotherhood's The King, The Shadows and The Beast, because I want to enjoy these not force myself to read them quickly, and they are all quite hefty in the page count! Also goodbye to Carolyn Crane's Associates #3 and #4, at least until next year, I promise we'll meet again boys! And the .5 of the Something Strange and Deadly series. I've left in all 4 of my Award Winning Sci-Fi books because it's probably bad form to not make it through the challenge you're hosting, or at least I should try!
After cutting the above, that still leaves me with 2,260 pages to read by 12/31. So you see why I needed a reality check? I may have already cut more pages than I have left, and it still means I have to read about 84 pages a day to accomplish what's listed below. It's not out of the question and it's still a challenge. Let's see how I do!
Challenge | Title | Pages | Status |
Reading Assignment Challenge |  | 464 | |
New Release Challenge |  | 320 | |
Finishing the Series Challenge |  | 400 | In progress: pg 229
Finished 12/6/16 |
Award Winning Sci-Fi and Fantasy |  | 218 | Currently reading: pg 123 |
Award Winning Sci-Fi and Fantasy |  | 271 | |
Award Winning Sci-Fi and Fantasy |  | 288 | Currently Reading: 19% (about page 54)
Finished 12/20/16 |
Award Winning Sci-Fi and Fantasy |  | 528 | |
End of week one: Finished Strange and Ever After, Started The Girl Who... and The Forever War. Left to read: 1,997 pages in 20 days now means about 100 pages per day. So I didn't gain any ground, but it's still doable. Must try harder!
End of week two: Still reading The Girl Who... and The Forever War, obviously my reality was still way off on how much I could get read during the last half of December. HA!
End of week three: I did finish The Girl Who... still working on Forever War. At this point I do believe I will finish Forever War, but that's probably the last one from the list above.