Hosted by The Space Between

Saturday, November 26, 2016

COYER Blackout Reading Challenge - December 17th, 2016 - March 3rd, 2017

It's just about time for Winter COYER (Clean Out Your E-Reads)! Our lovely hostesses have been kind of lax on us the last few rounds, so they are cracking down on us this time! the rules are very strict, only e-books and audiobooks (unless/until you fill your generator) that you received for less than $1 (or less than $5 for audios only). That's okay though, because I have A TON of those, and hopefully this will motivate to me work on some of them! To see the complete rules and sign up, check out the #COYER Blackout Sign-Ups .

Join us, the storm begins December 17th and doesn't let up until March 3rd!

Generator: 4/10 (100+ pages = 1, <100 pages = .5)

All done for this round of COYER!


142 pgs

123 pgs

228 pages

269 pages



1 comment:

  1. Yay! Glad to see you're joining this Coyer as well. My sign-up post isn't live yet, but I do have it scheduled already. And just like you I have a lot of free and cheap books, so I am sure I have enough to read, although I probably will read a few books that don't count as well. I am looking forward to the start of this challenge!


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