*Sings* Ce-le-brate Good Books Come On! *Ahem* It's time for Bout of Books 9.0, January 6th-12th with our favorite hostesses, Amanda and Kelly! It's just the thing to get your 2014 reading started off with a bang!
Signup Here!
Link Your Goals up Here!
As for me, I'm going to concentrate on my Seriously Series Challenge list and see how far I can get!
Currently Reading:


Day 1:
Allegiant - 2:10 listened
The Getaway - 26%
Day 2:
Allegiant - 4:00 listened
The Getaway - Finished! 61 pages
Catacombs - Started 36 pages
Day 3:
Allegiant - 7:22 listened
Catacombs - 120 pages in
Day 4:
Allegiant -finished! 11:51 total
Catacombs -166 pages in
Day 5:
Catacombs - finished! 236 pages
Hunted - started listening
Photographs & Phantoms - started
Day 6:
Photographs & Phantoms - Finished! 64 pages
Hunted - 1:31 in, probably won't finish for the 'thon but that's still an hour and a half of "reading" I did for it! ;)
That Thing at the Zoo - started
Day 7:
That Thing at the Zoo - finished! 63 pages
Total Pages: 424 (60 1/2 pages per day)
Hours listened: 13:22 (1.9 hours per day)