Jana doesn't see him again, and as she grows begins to believe that he was just an imaginary friend. Her grandfather has high hopes for her, and she appears to be well on her way to achieving his dreams, taking her position as a senator very seriously, and aiming for the White House someday. Things start going downhill when some damaging accusations are made against her family concerning campaign funds, but she could never have imagined what happened next. A late night trip to the grocery store to get some ice cream ends up with Jana running for her life with a stranger who wants her to believe that he's her imaginary friend, all grown up! There is an assassin after him, and as if the fact that her "Peter" being a real life, well, um... alien, yeah that, isn't crazy enough, he's also come bearing a warning: His people have marked her planet for invasion, and they're already on the way.
Jana feels her life spinning wildly out of control, but one thing she's sure of, and that's that her feelings for "Peter" haven't changed, which is another major complication in the tangled web she's caught in!
This was a fun read. Even though Cavin (Peter's real name) is a pretty darn human alien with some really convenient technology, he's a very likeable character and the story had a good pace. I'm definitely interested in reading the rest of the series, which I believe follows Jana's brother Jared in My Favorite Earthling, and her sister Evie in How to Lose an Extraterrestrial in 10 Days.
Check out Susan Grant's Website for more information on the author and her work!
If you'd like to get cozy with a hunky alien, now is your chance! I'm ready to pass my copy of Your Planet or Mine? on to make a new friend! As always, this is a gently used, Bookcrossing labeled copy. While I would love a journal entry from the winner (which can be done anonymously if you decide that being a member of Bookcrossing is not for you) the book is yours to do with as you please, whether that be keep it forever, or share it with friends, or whatever! To enter, please comment on this post and tell me if you believe that aliens have already visited us here on Earth. No answer, no entry! I will choose a winner on November 14th.